Agenda Index City of Vancouver

MC-1 & MC-2 Districts Schedule

1 Intent

2 Outright Approval Uses

2.1 Subject to all other provisions of this By-law and to compliance with section 2.3 and the regulations of this Schedule, the uses listed in section 2.2 shall be permitted in this district the MC-1 District and MC-2 District and shall be issued a permit.

2.2 Uses

2.2.1 The uses listed in section 2.2.1 shall be permitted in the MC-1 and MC-2 Districts.

2.2.1A · Accessory Buildings customarily ancillary to any of the uses listed in this Schedule, provided that:

2.2.1C [Cultural and Recreational]

2.2.1M [Manufacturing]

2.2.1O [Office]

2.2.1R [Retail]

2.2.1S [Service]

2.3 Conditions of Use

2.3.1 No use listed in section 2.2 of this Schedule shall involve the bulk storage of vegetable oil or fat; fish; fish oil or meal; animal oil or fat; grain; sugar; hops; scrap or waste materials; junk; lime; fertilizer; fungicides; herbicides; pesticides; explosives; matches; ammunition; fireworks; flares; wax; industrialchemicals; acids; paints; varnishes; rags; cotton waste; radioactive materials; or, except for a full serve or split island gasoline station, compressed gas, petroleum, coal tar products or derivatives.

2.3.2 No use listed in section 2.2 of this Schedule shall involve the storage, other than wholly within a completely enclosed building, of vegetable oil or fat; fish; fish oil or meal; animal oil or fat; scrap or waste material; paints; varnishes; oil shellac or turpentine; grain; sugar; hops; pesticides; fungicides; herbicides; or toxic or corrosive chemicals or acids.

2.3.3 No commercial or industrial use listed in section 2.2 of this Schedule shall involve the keeping of live animals except:

2.3.4 All uses listed in section 2.2 of this Schedule shall be carried on wholly within a completely enclosed building except for the following:

2.3.5 Where goods, materials, machinery, or refuse or garbage receptacles are stored or placed outside a building, they shall be enclosed by a minimum 1.8 m high fence, wall or evergreen planting, to restrict public access and screen from public view.

3 Conditional Approval Uses

3.1 Subject to all other provisions of this By-law, including section 3.3.3, and the provisions and regulations of this Schedule, the Development Permit Board may approve any of the uses listed in section 3.2, subject to the conditions of section 3.3, and including such other conditions as it may decide, provided that it first considers:

3.2 Uses

3.2.1 The uses listed in section 3.2.1 may be permitted in the MC-1 and MC-2 Districts.

3.2.1A · Accessory uses to any of the uses listed in this section, subject to the same provisions as section 2.2.A of this Schedule.

3.2.2C [Cultural and Recreational]

3.2.1D · Deposition or extraction of material so as to alter the configuration of the land.

3.2.DW [Dwelling]

3.2.1I [Institutional]

3.2.1M [Manufacturing]

3.2.1O [Office]

3.2.1P [Parking]

3.2.1R [Retail]

3.2.1S [Service]

3.2.1T [Transportation and Storage]

3.2.1U [Utility and Communication]

3.2.1W [Wholesale]

3.2.1Z · Any other use which is not specifically listed and defined as a use in section 2 of this By-law but which the Development Permit Board considers comparable in nature to the uses listed in this Schedule, having regard to the intent of this District Schedule.

3.2.2 The uses listed in section 3.2.2 may be permitted only in the MC-1 District.

3.2.2C [Cultural and Recreational]

3.2.2DW [Dwelling]

3.2.3 The uses listed in section 3.2.3 may be permitted only in the MC-2 District.

3.2.3C [Cultural and Recreational]

3.2.3DW [Dwelling]

3.3 Conditions of Use

3.3.1 No use listed in section 3.2 of this Schedule shall involve the bulk storage of vegetable oil or fat; fish; fish oil or meal; animal oil or fat; grain; sugar; hops; scrap or waste materials; junk; lime; fertilizer; fungicides; herbicides; pesticides; explosives; matches; ammunition; fireworks; flares; wax; industrial chemicals; acids; paints; varnishes; rags; cotton waste; radioactive materials; or, except for a full serve or split island gasoline station, compressed gas, petroleum, coal tar products or derivatives.

3.3.2 No use listed in section 3.2 of this Schedule shall involve the storage, other than wholly within a completely enclosed building, of vegetable oil or fat; fish; fish oil or meal; animal oil or fat; scrap or waste material; paints; varnishes; oil shellac or turpentine; grain; sugar; hops; pesticides; fungicides; herbicides; or toxic or corrosive chemicals or acids.

3.3.3 All uses listed in section 3.2 shall be carried on wholly within a completely enclosed building except for the following:

3.3.4 Where goods, materials, machinery, or refuse or garbage receptacles are stored or placed outside a building, they shall be:

3.3.5 Where uses are carried on outside a building, pursuant to sections 3.3.3 and 3.3.4, appropriate measures shall be taken to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning to minimize any noxious or otherwise objectionable impacts that could adversely affect the surrounding area.

4 Regulations

4.1 Site Area -- Not Applicable.

4.2 Frontage -- Not Applicable.

4.3 Height

4.3.1 The maximum height of a building shall be 12.2 m.

4.3.2 The Director of Planning or the Development Permit Board, as the case may be, may permit an increase in the maximum height of a building to a height not exceeding 13.8 m, provided that he first considers:

4.4 Front Yard and Setback

4.4.1 No front yard or front setback shall be permitted except that the Director of Planning may permit:

4.4.2 A setback of 1.2 m from the front property line shall be required for any parking area.

4.5 Side Yards and Setback

4.5.1 No side yard shall be required.

4.5.2 Where a side yard is provided, it shall have a minimum width of 0.9 m.

4.5.3 In the case of a corner lot, a setback of 1.2 m from the side property line abutting the flanking street shall be required for any parking area.

4.6 Rear Yard and Setback

4.6.1 A rear yard with a minimum depth of 3.1 m shall be provided, except that where the rear of the site abuts a lane this required minimum depth shall be decreased by the lane width between the rear property line and the ultimate centre line of the lane.

4.6.2 Any portion of a building containing residential uses, and any portion of a building above the first storey and below the fourth storey, except for open roof gardens at the second storey floor level, shall be set back a minimum of 7.6 m from the rear property line across the full width of the building, except that where the rear of the site abuts a lane, this required minimum setback shall be decreased by the lane width between the rear property line and the ultimate centre line of the lane.

4.6.3 All portions of a building at the fourth storey and above shall be set back 9.1 m from the rear property line across the full width of the site, except that where the rear of the site abuts a lane, this required minimum setback shall be decreased by the lane width between the rear property line and the ultimate centre line of the lane.

4.7 Floor Space Ratio

4.7.1 The floor space ratio shall not exceed 0.75.

4.7.2 The following shall be included in the computation of floor space ratio:

4.7.3 The following shall be excluded in the computation of floor space ratio:

4.7.4 The Director of Planning may permit the following to be excluded in the computation of floor space ratio:

4.8 Site Coverage -- Not Applicable

4.9 [Deleted -- See Parking By-law]

4.10 Horizontal Angle of Daylight

4.10.1 All habitable rooms in buildings used for residential purposes shall have at least 1 window on an exterior wall which complies with the following:

4.10.2 For the purpose of section 4.10.1, the following shall be considered as obstructions:

4.10.3 For the purposes of section 4.10.1, the following shall not be considered as habitable rooms:

4.11-4.14 [Reserved]

4.15 Acoustics

4.15.1 A development permit application for dwelling uses shall require evidence in the form of a report and recommendations prepared by persons trained in acoustics and current techniques of noise measurement demonstrating that the noise levels in those portions of the dwelling units listed below shall not exceed the noise levels expressed in decibels set opposite such portions of the dwelling units. For the purposes of this section the noise level is the A-weighted 24-hour equivalent (Leq) sound level and will be defined simply as the noise level in decibels.

5 Relaxation of Regulations

5.1 The Director of Planning may relax the maximum height, location regulations and floor area in section 2.2.A for accessory buildings and accessory uses except that, in any event, the relaxed height shall not exceed the maximum prescribed in section 4.3.1 and the relaxed floor space shall not exceed 33-_ percent of the gross floor area of the principal and accessory uses combined.

5.2 The Director of Planning may, in the case of a dwelling unit located above the first floor, relax the horizontal angle of daylight requirement of section 4.10.1 having regard to the livability of the resulting dwelling units and provided that a minimum distance of 3.7 m of unobstructed view is maintained.

5.3 The Director of Planning may relax the use conditions of sections 2.3.1 and 3.3.1 to permit the outdoor display of retail goods, and may include such other conditions as he deems necessary, having regard to the type of merchandise, the area and location of the display with respect to adjoining sites, the hours of operation and the intent of this Schedule.

5.4 The Director of Planning may, provided that he first considers the intent of this Schedule and all applicable policies and guidelines adopted by Council and the submission of any advisory group, property owner or tenant, relax the provisions of section 4.7.1 to permit an increase in the total floor space ratio up to a maximum of 2.50, subject to the following:

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